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Point turners are usually made of plastic or bamboo. A point turner is a tool that is used to push out corners and points without making holes in the fabric. It is much better and safer to use a point turner, rather than a seam ripper or the tip of a scissors, for this task.
When turning out the corners of things that I've made I've always just used the eraser end of a pencil. I design my own clothes, so I almost always have several pencils lying around me while I'm working and I just find it very convenient. So convenient in fact that it never occurred to me that there might actually be a tool especially designed to do that until I read these tips. ^_^
When turning out the corners of things that I've made I've always just used the eraser end of a pencil. I design my own clothes, so I almost always have several pencils lying around me while I'm working and I just find it very convenient. So convenient in fact that it never occurred to me that there might actually be a tool especially designed to do that until I read these tips. ^_^