Sewing Room Tips

Read these 20 Sewing Room Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Sewing tips and hundreds of other topics.

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How do I set up a good sewing room?

Cutting Surface Size

Your cutting table or surface should be at least 30 inches wide and 60 inches long. The cutting table should be accessible from both sides.

What is the best lighting for my sewing room?

Full Spectrum Lighting

Full spectrum lighting is creating a buzz in the sewing community. It is the best simulation of daylight available, reducing eye fatigue. It is also known as true color lighting because it is true clear light which does not distort color.

What kind of seating should I use when sewing?


Sewing chairs need to be adjustable in height and have good back support. You should be able to sit directly in front of the machine needle and sit with your feet flat on the floor. If you are bending your back when you sew, your chair height is too high. Chairs that swivel and have rollers add convenience.

How do I set up a good sewing room?


Stools are great for working at higher surfaces, such as ironing boards and the cutting table. To get the right height, use an adjustable stool or buy one with wooden legs and cut to the right height for you.

What color should my walls be in my sewing room?


The color and surface of the walls will affect lighting. Dark colors will absorb the light, making the room darker than lighter shades. However, bright white glossy surfaces will reflect the light and cause unwanted glare. Soft colors with a matt or semi-gloss surface are best.

How do I set up a good sewing room?


Full length mirrors need to be large enough to see the whole person being viewed, from top of the head to the floor. Test mirror placement on persons of different heights. Three-way mirrors and free-standing mirrors that can be moved to different angles are great.

How do I set up a good sewing room?


Keep in mind where electrical outlets are when deciding how to set up your sewing room. Extension cords can be dangerous; their use should be limited. Power strips and surge protectors with circuit breakers are recommended, especially for irons and machines.

How do I set up a good sewing room?

Machine Height

The bed of your machine should be 25-29 inches high. If your machine sets on top of a table, the table height needs to be lower than if you have a sewing machine cabinet with a recessed area that the machine sets in. The depth of the sewing table should be at least 20 inches.

What kind of floors should I have in my sewing room?


Consider the pros and cons of different floors: care, wear and tear, comfort, and noise level. Carpeting is comfortable and quiet, however, pins are easily lost in carpeting and threads are hard to pick up. Hard surfaced floors are easier to clean but are usually noisier and scratch easier.

How do I set up a good sewing room?

Hanging Area

You will need a place to hang clothing. Whether a bar or hooks, it needs to be about 70 inches off the floor so full length garments can hang freely.

How do I set up a good sewing room?


Fabrics are often treated with chemicals for shipping and storage. Dry-cleaned material and garments release chemical fumes. Working with fabric produces large amounts of dust and lint. To reduce fatigue, make sure that your work area is well ventilated with fresh air.

What kind of light should I use for sewing?


Sunlight is the most natural and best light available. However, direct sunlight can produce glare and fatigue. Adjust the direction of the sunlight and the amount you get with placement of equipment in relation to windows and use of window coverings.

How do I set up a good sewing room?

Efficient Work Area

Design the layout of your work area for maximum efficiency. Consider the three basic functions performed in this area: cutting, sewing, and pressing. It is important to be able to move quickly and freely between these areas. Keep this “work triangle” in mind when designing your sewing area.

How do I set up a good sewing room?

Pressing Surface

An adjustable ironing board will allow you to find the most comfortable height for pressing and change the height depending on whether you decide to work standing or sitting. If you have a fixed height pressing surface, make sure it is set so that you can work without excessive bending or reaching.

How do I set up a good sewing room?

Fitting Area

A good fitting area will be located in front of a full length mirror. The floor surface should be hard and even for measuring hem heights. The area needs to be large enough for a person to work on all sides of the person being fit.

What is the best lighting for my sewing room?

Task Lighting

Task lights are direct lights used to enhance specific work areas, especially for close up work. Where you place task lights will depend on the task and your personal preference. Use adjustable task lights to eliminate shadows. Most task lamps use incandescent bulbs.

What is the best lighting for my sewing room?

Halogen Lights

Halogen lights provide lighting that resembles natural daylight and are energy efficient. However, the bulbs get extremely hot and must be used with caution to prevent fires. Never leave halogen lights on when you are not working in the room.

What makes a good cutting table?

Cutting Table Height

The ideal height for your cutting table will depend on your height. The height is generally between 34 and 40 inches high. It is better for your back if you can work without bending over. If your table is not high enough, consider putting it up on blocks.

What is the best lighting for my sewing room?

Indirect Lighting

Overhead lighting and floor lamps will provide indirect light to the room. Well placed and sufficient indirect lighting will reduce shadows. Fluorescent lights provide good indirect light and are energy efficient.

How can I protect my back when sewing?


Practicing good posture will protect your neck and back. Proper height of seating and work surfaces will protect you posture. If you are doing a repetitive task, take breaks and stretch often.

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Susan Sayour